You may have heard of the NFT world and the amount of money circulating in this world may have caught your attention. Indeed, vast quantities of products are bought and sold. You may have seen products sold for millions of dollars on the news or on social media. These are exceptions, but in general, you can see that trades are over thousands of dollars by examining the relevant sites. This immediately comes to mind. I can do this simple photo myself. I’ll sell it then too. It’s enough to sell one. We don’t have too many eyes. So far, so good. Now let’s talk about some problems.
Well, we have seen large sums of money in NFT. We said, why not? What should we do now? I’m speaking directly. We must be conscious. Let me explain what I mean by being aware. When we enter the NFT market, we must answer the question why am I here? The answer is obviously to make money and generate income.
This is not the main issue you need to be aware of. The real issue is that the person you are considering selling or buying NFT shares the same sentiments and thoughts as you. The exception to this is people who shop for different purposes, not one percent or one thousandth, but one millionth. Like art, show, hobby.

People all want to earn
We also analyzed the person we are going to shop with. We realized that his purpose was the same as ours. Let’s make an analogy here. Everyone wants to make money. Then everybody wins. It’s like breathing. There is nothing more natural than aiming to make money. While we breathe in the world, we consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
This is the case for each individual. The situation is similar in the NFT world. The difference is that there are living things in the world that take our carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen. In the NFT world, however, there is no situation to meet this. Do not confuse this with this, we also buy a product with money, but our goal is not to sell it and generate income but to use and benefit.
For example, let’s say we are in a place where we can trade secondhand. Not everyone’s goal here is to make money. Finding a product you need. You can be a buyer and seller in the NFT market and second-hand goods store. The point to note is that everyone’s goal is the same in NFT. In the other market, our aim may be to meet a need or to evaluate an item that we will not use. What I want to say is this. You need to evaluate the NFT market in a different place from all other markets. The only thing they have in common is buying and selling.
To Sum Up
We mentioned that in the NFT market, everyone is there to make money. (Except for a very small number of people) So, is it possible for everyone to win? As if there is only one way to do this, new users are constantly entering and prices are rising. At the same time, the rise of Ethereum is one of the situations that affect this.
In general, we took the pulse of the market, and now let’s think about how we can start. If you are a famous person, create an NFT without thinking and share it on your social media account. Say thank you to the recipient and send a message. Most likely, your sale will take place immediately and you will enter the world of NFT.
If you are an artist, if you will be able to produce very valuable works by making efforts, you can enter the world of NFT by sharing your serious and beautiful work that will attract the attention of people who are interested in art.
If you are not in either group, there are two options left. Let’s consider these two options in this article.
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